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Exam Results Day - Thursday 22nd August 2024 :

In order to avoid large groups gathering whilst we have building work taking place, we would like students to collect their results in 15 minute intervals.

Students should come to reception at the allotted time below according to their surname.

Before collecting their results, students will need to complete a ‘destination’ form which asks about their future plans so that we can help support their transition into further education, training or employment.

Once completed, hand this form to the Exams Officer who will give them an envelope containing their results.



A – B

9.00AM – 9.15AM

C – E

9.15AM – 9.30AM

F – J

9.30AM – 9.45AM

K – M

9.45AM – 10.00AM

N – S

10.00AM – 10.15AM

T - Z

10.15AM – 10.30AM

If a student is unable to collect their results in person, someone can collect on their behalf providing they have a written note from the student giving consent to collect them.

Results are not posted out.

Please note that photographs will be taken throughout the morning. Should anyone not wish to be photographed, please let the photographer know.

If you have any questions, please email

Thank you
Exams Team