Further to the information already provided, we are writing to confirm that there has been no change to the advice to schools concerning Coronavirus. The current advice may be found here:
We are continuing to promote the personal hygiene measures contained within this advice. Cleaners have for the last couple of weeks been asked to step up the cleaning focus to concentrate particularly on door handles and other surfaces that multiple people may touch.
We would like to reassure you that the school is making careful and detailed plans for a range of scenarios up to and including the school being asked to close by Public Health England. If the school is instructed to close then we would continue to support pupils’ learning through the use of a variety of methods including Show My Homework, GCSE Pod and also individual work packs.
If this scenario does occur then you will receive full details, at that time, of exactly how we will ensure that learning continues for all pupils. The advice to our Year 11 pupils remains that they should continue to prepare and work hard for their examinations to be held as normal next term. If this advice changes you will be informed immediately.
The school will continue to monitor government guidance regarding overseas travel and the impact this may have on any planned trips for our pupils. We will update you when further details become available.
We would stress that the advice to schools has not changed and we continue to operate the school as normal and to offer reassurance to the pupils.
Thank you, once again, for your support at this difficult time.