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Century Tech

Dear Parents/Carers

We have been trialling the Century Tech Software with a significant number of pupils across school, who’ve been working on this at home and also in school. Core departments and a number of other departments are trialling this too and we’re starting to use it well to get a picture of strengths and development points across key areas. 

I’ve put together a presentation showing how easy it is to sign into.  The key thing is to use the google sign in and not the top option (but check the presentation for more info)

It provides such a unique insight into your children’s knowledge understanding, skills and areas for improvement and now it is set up for every class.  The course are all set up, the classes are all set up. 

This will give you the specific areas your child need to work on.  It uses AI (artificial intelligence) to plan next steps for your children too and actually tells them in the summary page on their individual accounts where their strengths and areas for improvement are.

If you have any questions regarding the platform, please speak with your child’s subject teachers and if there are any technical issues (sign in), please contact

Thank you

M Whoriskey
Assistant Headteacher