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School Trips

Positively changing lives through personal growth & academic excellence 
Respect, Aspiration, Determination, Independence

School Trips

Here at Reddish Vale High School, we take great pride in the vast array of additional opportunities we are able to provide to pupils.

Learning inside the classroom is the key success in GCSE's, but we also believe that so much more knowledge and skills can be developed beyond the classroom.

For more information about school trips, please contact the school.


Black History Month Lecture

On 6th November 2023 some of our Year 10 pupils attended Professor David Olusoga OBE's lecture for Black History month at the University of Manchester. The pupils had a lovely time and we even received a signed copy of David's book!



Theatre Trip

On Thursday 7th December pupils attended a school trip to see Fantastically Great Women who Changed the World at the Lowry Theatre. 

     Fantastically Great Women Who Changed The World | Liverpool Everyman &  Playhouse theatres     


Rewards Cinema Trip
On Wednesday 20th December 2023, 150 of our pupils with zero behaviour points and 100% attendance enjoyed a trip to the cinema as a reward for 100% attendance and being excellent ambassadors of the school.



Youth Summit

On 6th February, pupils were invited to the Stockport Youth Summit at Stockport Town Hall, organised by Pursuing Individual Excellence (PIE). Pupils participate in workshops about healthcare, housing, neighbourhoods, growing up and transport, as well as having the opportuity to see the Town Hall facilities, including the council chambers. 
The pupils involved gave an excellent account of themselves, showed great respect and conduct on the way to and from the summit, and did the school proud.



Year 7 Residential

In March 2024, over 80 Year 7 pupils attended a residential school trip to PGL Winmarleigh Hall. The trip offered pupils with the opportunity to develop team building and participate in a variety of outdoor activities, such as archery tag, zip wire, giant swing, canoeing and many more!

The pupils had a wonderful time, and it was lovely to see them all getting involved in the activities on offer. 



Netball Tour

Between 14th and 16th March 2024, some of our Year 8 and 9 pupils departed on their netball tour across the North of England. On Thursday 14th March they headed over to Pontefract and Hull to begin the first day of the tour, which consisted of team building activities of laser tag and snow sledging, followed by fixtures against Tranby in Hull. 
On day 2, the pupils started the morning at the Sealife Centre to feed seals and penguins before heading to Scarborough front for fish and chips. This was followed by matches against Scarborough College: U13 won 10-7, U14 lost to a skilled opposition but showed excellent determination throughout.
Thank you to Scarborough College for their wonderful hospitality, our pupils loved every second. We look forward to attending again in the future!



Destination Higher Education

On 8th May, Our Year 10 pupils had a wonderful time at the Destination higher Education event at Manchester Metropolitan University, where they created their own societies and presented them to University students.

The pupils' behaviour and attitude was exceptional. We are so proud of each and every one of them!



STEM Challenge Day

Well done to the 11 pupils who attended the STEM Challenge at the University of Manchester yesterday. The pupils got really involved in the challenges and worked really well with pupils from other schools.

A special well done to the 3 pupils who were part of the winning teams and won awards for their efforts. 



Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

Well done to our Year 10 pupils who successfully completed their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition on Friday/Saturday with a trek through Edale using their compass and navigation skills, followed by an overnight camping stay where they pitched tents and cooked food over campfires.