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Year 11

Positively changing lives through personal growth & academic excellence 
Respect, Aspiration, Determination, Independence

Year 11 Leaver's Video

Please see below a slightly amended version of our leaver's video for the Class of 2024 students which was shared in the leaver's assembly. Please note that some images have been removed due to consent. 


Year 11 Assessments and Examinations

Before and during public examinations pupils may also have important internal exams, subject specific deadlines for completion of coursework, and controlled assessments. This information will be provided to pupils by subject teachers as and when available.

During exam periods, our school website will provide important information and timetables on our examinations page here

If you have any concerns regarding support for your child during exams please contact your child's form tutor, Head of Year or Assistant Head of Year.


Please click the link below to read a newsletter with helpful strategies to support stress.